BJJ Tips for Smaller Guys

Leverage, Speed, and Technique to Level the Playing Field

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), it's often said that technique conquers strength. This maxim rings especially true for smaller practitioners, who may find themselves frequently matched against larger opponents. While size and strength can be advantageous, they're not the end-all-be-all. This article offers strategic tips aimed at helping smaller guys gain a competitive edge in BJJ.

Embrace Your Speed and Agility

1. Quick Transitions: Utilize your speed to transition quickly between positions, making it difficult for your opponent to settle into a dominant position.

2. Dynamic Guard: Use agility to your advantage by employing dynamic guards like the spider or butterfly guard.

3. Scrambles: Speed can be your best friend in scrambles, allowing you to secure advantageous positions.

Tips for smaller BJJ practitioners to gain an edge include leveraging speed, agility, focusing on technique, defensive strategies, wise sparring choices, and cultivating a strong mental game.

Leverage and Technique are Key

1. Use Your Hips: Your hips are a critical fulcrum for creating leverage. Make sure to use them effectively, especially when playing guard.

2. Frame and Create Angles: Utilize frames and angles to counter the pressure and strength of bigger opponents.

3. Precision Over Power: Focus on the technical execution of submissions and transitions, rather than trying to overpower your opponent.

Defensive Strategies

1. Stay Compact: Keep your limbs close to your body to minimize vulnerability to submissions.

2. Gripping Strategy: Use techniques like the pistol grip or the monkey grip to manage distance and keep larger opponents at bay.

3. Survival Posture: Understand how to properly use survival postures to defend against submissions or unfavourable positions.

Sparring and Training Tips

1. Choose Partners Wisely: While it's beneficial to train with larger opponents, also spar with people your size to understand how to implement your techniques effectively.

2. Be Mindful of Injuries: Smaller practitioners are at a higher risk of injury when rolling with much larger opponents. Tap early and tap often.

3. Analyze and Adapt: Regularly review your rolling sessions, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Mental Game

1. Embrace the Underdog Role: Use your size disadvantage as motivation to prove that technique and strategy can overcome raw strength.

2. Stay Calm: It’s easy to get flustered when being dominated by a bigger opponent. Maintaining your composure is crucial.

3. Positive Mindset: Believe in your techniques and yourself. Confidence can make a significant difference in your performance.

Final Thoughts

Being smaller in BJJ can indeed be challenging, but it also provides an opportunity to refine your technique and develop a highly skilled game. By focusing on leverage, speed, and precise technique, you can level the playing field and excel in your BJJ journey. Remember, it's not the size of the fighter but the size of the fight in the fighter that counts.

Frequently Asked Questions: BJJ Tips for Smaller Guys

General Strategy

Q: What are some basic BJJ tips for smaller guys?

A: Smaller guys should focus on utilizing speed, agility, and technique to counteract the size and strength of larger opponents.

Specific Techniques

Q: Are there certain techniques that smaller guys should prioritize?

A: Yes, techniques that don't rely on brute strength, such as certain sweeps or submissions that use leverage, are generally more effective for smaller individuals.

Game Plan

Q: What should be the game plan for smaller guys in BJJ?

A: The game plan should focus on quick transitions, taking the back, and avoiding being pinned under a larger opponent’s weight.

Sparring and Rolling

Q: Any tips for smaller guys when sparring or rolling?

A: Use your agility to create angles and escape bad positions. Also, it's essential to manage distance effectively to avoid being crushed by a heavier opponent.


Q: What kind of conditioning is most effective for smaller guys in BJJ?

A: Cardiovascular endurance and agility training can help smaller practitioners maintain a high pace and outmaneuver larger opponents.

Common Mistakes

Q: What common mistakes should smaller guys avoid?

A: Avoid engaging in strength battles that you're unlikely to win. Stick to your technical strengths and focus on using leverage.

Psychological Aspect

Q: How important is the mental game for smaller guys in BJJ?

A: It's crucial. Smaller guys often need to overcome the mental hurdle of facing larger opponents, so mental resilience is essential.