Back Mount Position

Features 25 Free YouTube Videos Covering Defense (Survival, Escapes, and Counter Offense) and Offense (Control and Submissions)

Survival (Defense) From Back Mount Position

Defend the Bow and Arrow Choke From Back Mount Position

Bow and Arrow Choke Defense [YouTube Link]  (Stephan Kesting): How to defend against and escape the bow and arrow choke, which is one of the most powerful submissions in BJJ.

Defending Collar Chokes From Back Mount [YouTube Link]  (Robin Gieseler): The first life on defense is to break the grip on the pants this will allow you to roll away from your opponent and out of the choke. The second line of defense, which is the last-ditch effort, is to wait until your opponent builds a lot of tension on your collar and then yank the collar hard to break the grip.

Defend the Collar Choke From Back Mount Position

Defending Collar Chokes From Back Mount [YouTube Link]  (Robin Gieseler): The first line of defense is to prevent the collar choke, which requires placing your hand against the side of your face. If your opponent does get the hand on the collar you defend by grabbing the elbow and shoulder of your opponent's arm. This will give you the leverage to stop your opponent from finishing their choke. From this point, dig your heels into the ground, pull their arm over your head, and turn in to your opponent.

Defend the Seatbelt Control Variation of Back Mount Position

Defending Your Back [YouTube Link]  (Raphael Chaves): How to defend and escape when someone has your back.

Escapes From Back Mount Position

Escape Back Mount Position

5 Ways Out of Back Mount [YouTube Link]  (Eli Knight): A compilation of back mount escapes for different scenarios from Knight Jiu-Jitsu.

Escape the Body Triangle Variation of Back Mount Position

Escaping the back (Pay attention to the leg work) [YouTube Link]  (Lachlan Giles): An explanation of how to escape the back, with a more detailed explanation (at 2:26) of escaping the back triangle towards the end.

How to Escape the Body Triangle [YouTube Link]  (Shawn Williams): An escape a more controlled (and therefore harder to escape) back control variation called back triangle.

Escape the Body Triangle (Overhook Side With Top-Side Lock) Variation of Back Mount Position

The Best Way To Escape From The Jiu Jitsu Body Triangle [YouTube Link]  (Gordon Ryan): Gordon begins by explaining that there are four variations of the body triangle, in this video he covers the escape for the scenario where you are on your opponent's overhook side with a top side triangle.

Escape the Bow and Arrow Choke From Back Mount Position

Bow and Arrow Choke [YouTube Link]  (Lachlan Giles): How to escape the bow and arrow choke (escape starts at 4:49).

How to Escape Bow and Arrow Choke [YouTube Link]  (Tom Davey): Three different escapes from the bow and arrow choke.

Escape the Rear-Naked Choke (RNC) From Back Mount Position

How to Escape the Rear Naked Choke [YouTube Link]  (Stephan Kesting): How to stop and remove the rear-naked choke before and after your opponent has it set up.

Escape the Seatbelt Variation of Back Mount Position

Basic Back Mount Escape [YouTube Link]  (Robin Gieseler): This is one of the first and foremost escapes that you will want to learn to improve your back defense game. This video teaches you how to escape when someone has seatbelt control.

Counter Offense From Back Mount Position

Ankle Lock to Counter Back Mount Position

Three leg locks when your opponent has your back. [YouTube Link]  (Jiame Jara): When someone has your back a line of defense is to go for the ankle lock. This video covers three possible ways to ankle lock your opponent when they have your back.

Submissions From Back Mount Position

Armbar Submission From Back Mount Position

Transitioning between armbar and back control [YouTube Link]  (Lachlan Giles): If your opponent is escaping back control, you can go for the Armbar to stay on the offense. This begins with a typical seatbelt control and falling towards the side with the underhook. 

Bow and Arrow Choke From Back Mount Position

Bow and Arrow Choke [YouTube Link]  (Lachlan Giles): How to perform the bow and arrow choke.

Bow and Arrow Choke - Basic [YouTube Link]  (Flavio Almeida): Details of the gi-specific bow and arrow choke option in this video.

Bow and Arrow Choke from the Back [YouTube Link]  (Saulo Ribeiro): How to perform the bow and arrow choke.

Collar Choke From Back Mount Position

Choke Details From The Back [YouTube Link]  (Roger Gracie): Use the top of your underhook hand to grab over your overhook hand and keep your hands very tight. This prevents your opponent from blocking the choke. 

Rear Triangle Choke From Back Mount Position

How to do the Rear Triangle Choke [YouTube Link]  (Stephan Kesting): In this video, the rear triangle is shown from the back mount. 

Effective Rear Naked Choke Finish [YouTube Link]  (Nick Albin): This video demonstrates the half-back variation that the instructor uses to finish the rear-naked choke. This video also demonstrates three ways that your opponent can defend your submission and how to overcome those defenses.

How To Perform The Perfect Rear Naked Choke [YouTube Link]  (John Danaher): The perfect rear-naked choke begins by controlling your opponent so that they can't turn into you. 

Mount to Back Take to Rear Naked Choke (RNC) [YouTube Link]  (Lachlan Giles): When in mount position, your opponent may turn to their side, exposing their back.