Running for BJJ

Building Endurance for the Mats

When it comes to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, many people tend to focus solely on sport-specific training like drilling, rolling, and mastering techniques. However, neglecting the cardiovascular element can be a grave mistake. Running is a time-tested way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, and it offers several benefits for your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu game. Let's delve into how incorporating running into your BJJ training regime can give you an edge.

The Cardio Gap

BJJ involves short bursts of high-intensity activity, typically lasting a few minutes at a time. If your cardiovascular system isn't up to par, you'll find yourself gasping for air, your muscles filling with lactic acid, and your ability to think clearly compromised. Running can help fill this "cardio gap" by training your body to be more efficient at oxygenating your muscles.

Running can enhance your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu performance by improving cardiovascular fitness. Long-distance builds endurance, sprinting boosts anaerobic capacity, and interval training mimics BJJ match flow. Balance is key to avoid overtraining.

Types of Running for BJJ

Long-Distance Running

Long-distance running helps in building endurance and mental toughness. The discipline you develop by tackling miles can mirror the mental endurance needed in a grueling BJJ match.


High-intensity sprints mimic the burst of energy required in BJJ. Sprint training can improve your anaerobic capacity, which comes into play during intense scrambles or submission attempts.

Interval Training

Intervals, where you mix periods of intense running with lighter activity, can be extremely effective. This type of exercise simulates the ebb and flow of a BJJ match, where intense flurries of activity are interspersed with slower, strategic movements.

How Often Should You Run?

If you're just starting, aim for two days of running, along with your regular BJJ training. As you get more comfortable, you can adjust the frequency to suit your needs and recovery capacity.

The Risk of Overtraining

Remember that running is an addition to your BJJ training, not a replacement. Too much running can lead to overtraining and injuries. Listen to your body and find the right balance that works for you.

Running Gear

Quality running shoes are a must, and moisture-wicking clothing can make your runs more comfortable. If you're running in the dark or low-light conditions, wear reflective gear for safety.

Final Thoughts

Running offers an excellent way to bolster your BJJ game, giving you the endurance and mental fortitude to face any challenge on the mats. However, it's crucial to find a balance that complements your BJJ training without leading to overtraining. So lace up those running shoes and hit the road, track, or treadmill—the next time you step onto the mat, you'll be glad you did.

Frequently Asked Questions: Running for BJJ

Basics of Running and BJJ

Q: Is running beneficial for BJJ?
A: Yes, running can be a complementary form of conditioning to improve your cardiovascular fitness, which is crucial for BJJ.

Running for Cardio

Q: How can running improve my BJJ cardio?
A: Regular running routines can enhance your stamina, lung capacity, and overall endurance, directly affecting your BJJ cardio positively.

Frequency and Duration

Q: How often and how long should I run to benefit my BJJ training?
A: The frequency and duration depend on your individual fitness levels and the intensity of your BJJ training. However, starting with 20-30 minute runs two to three times a week is generally recommended.

Running Man BJJ

Q: What is the "running man" technique in BJJ?
A: The "running man" is not directly related to the act of running; it's a specific defensive position used in BJJ to prevent side control or submissions.

Types of Running

Q: What type of running is most effective for BJJ?
A: Interval running is often recommended as it mimics the bursts of energy needed in BJJ matches, but long-distance running can also be beneficial for endurance.

Running and Jiu Jitsu Scheduling

Q: Is it better to run before or after BJJ training?
A: Running before BJJ can serve as a warm-up and increase your heart rate, but it can also tire you out for your training session. Running after BJJ can aid in cooling down. Ultimately, the best time depends on your personal preference and energy levels.

Injury Prevention

Q: Can running lead to injuries that affect my BJJ training?
A: Like any physical activity, running carries a risk of injury. However, proper warm-up, cool-down, and running techniques can minimize these risks.

Running Gear for BJJ Athletes

Q: Is there specific running gear recommended for BJJ athletes?
A: While there's no BJJ-specific running gear, moisture-wicking clothes and proper running shoes can help you get the most out of your runs.

Running and BJJ Recovery

Q: Is it a good idea to run on my off days from BJJ for recovery?
A: Light running can be beneficial for active recovery, but it's essential to listen to your body and not overdo it.

Additional Resources

Q: Where can I find more information on integrating running into my BJJ training?
A: Online forums, BJJ communities, and certified trainers are good resources for further advice on this topic.

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