How to Lose Weight for BJJ Competition

Losing weight for a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) competition can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure where to start. This article aims to be your comprehensive guide on how to shed those extra pounds safely and effectively, so you can perform at your best on the mat.

Understand the Weight Classes

Before you set any weight loss goals, familiarize yourself with the weight classes in BJJ. Knowing where you fit in can help you decide how much weight you need to lose to compete effectively.

Consult a Professional

Before embarking on any weight loss program, consult a healthcare provider or a certified nutritionist, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

Nutrition: Your Secret Weapon

Calories In, Calories Out

Caloric deficit is key to weight loss. Start by calculating your daily caloric needs and creating a deficit.


Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates all play vital roles. Protein aids muscle recovery, fats provide long-lasting energy, and carbohydrates fuel your workouts.


Staying hydrated is critical, especially when you're cutting weight. Dehydration can severely impair athletic performance and cognitive function.

To lose weight for a BJJ competition, understand weight classes, consult professionals, and focus on balanced nutrition. Implement cardio, strength training, and BJJ drills. Monitor weight, listen to body cues, and consider last-minute weight-cutting cautiously. 

Exercise: More Than Just Rolling


Incorporate running, swimming, or cycling into your routine to enhance your cardiovascular fitness and aid weight loss.

Strength Training

Lifting weights helps you maintain muscle mass during the weight loss process. Focus on compound movements like deadlifts, squats, and bench presses.

BJJ Drills

Supplement your regular BJJ classes with additional drilling sessions to refine your technique while burning calories.

Monitoring Progress

Weigh Yourself Regularly

Weigh yourself at the same time every day to keep track of your progress.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how you feel during training. Fatigue, irritability, and difficulty focusing can be signs that you're cutting too aggressively.

The Week Before Competition


Reduce the intensity of your workouts to allow your body to recover.

Last-Minute Weight Cutting

If you're close but still slightly over your weight class, methods like sauna suits or water manipulation can help. Exercise extreme caution when using these methods.


Losing weight for a BJJ competition is a delicate balancing act between shedding pounds and maintaining performance. Proper planning, balanced nutrition, and intelligent exercise are the keys to successful weight loss in the lead-up to a competition. Always consult professionals when in doubt, and pay attention to how your body responds to ensure you're on the right track.

Frequently Asked Questions: How to Lose Weight for BJJ Competition

Losing weight for a BJJ competition is a common concern among competitors, especially those looking to meet a specific weight class requirement. Here are some FAQs to address this topic.

General Approach

Q: How should I go about losing weight for a BJJ competition?
A: A healthy combination of diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes is the most effective and sustainable way to lose weight for a BJJ competition. It's always best to consult with a healthcare provider or certified nutritionist to tailor a plan to your needs.

Time Frame

Q: How much time should I allocate for weight loss before the competition?
A: Ideally, you should start focusing on your weight at least 8-12 weeks before the competition to allow for a gradual and healthy weight loss.

Diet Tips

Q: What kind of diet should I follow to lose weight for a BJJ competition?
A: A balanced diet rich in protein, vegetables, and healthy fats, with reduced carbohydrates and processed foods, can aid weight loss. Always stay hydrated.

Caloric Intake

Q: Should I count calories while trying to lose weight for a BJJ competition?
A: Counting calories can help ensure you are in a caloric deficit, which is essential for weight loss. However, focus on the quality of calories ingested, not just the quantity.

Exercise Regimen

Q: What kind of exercises should I include in my routine apart from BJJ training?
A: Cardiovascular exercises like running or cycling, and strength training can complement your BJJ training to expedite weight loss.

Water Cutting

Q: Is water cutting a good method to meet weight requirements for a BJJ competition?
A: Water cutting, or dehydration, is a quick but risky method to meet weight requirements and is generally not recommended without professional supervision.


Q: When are weigh-ins typically held for BJJ competitions?
A: Weigh-ins may be conducted a day before or on the day of the competition, depending on the organizing body. Knowing when the weigh-in is can help you better plan your weight loss strategy.

Rehydration and Refueling

Q: How should I rehydrate and refuel after making weight?
A: Slowly rehydrate with electrolyte drinks and consume easily digestible foods to refuel. Avoid binge eating as it may affect your performance.

Risks and Warnings

Q: What are the risks associated with rapid weight loss?
A: Rapid weight loss can lead to dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and decreased athletic performance. It may also increase the risk of injuries.

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