Craig Jones

52 FREE Instructional Videos - Z Guard Leg Locks & More

In a series of instructional videos, Craig Jones, a renowned figure in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, shares his expertise in various grappling techniques and defenses. These videos cover a range of topics including:

Survival (Defense)

Taught By Craig Jones

50/50 Survival (Defense)

Title: The Secret Grip That Craig Jones Uses To Defend Heel Hooks And Leg Attacks

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones presents the "grip radio" technique from the 50-50 position in no-gi grappling, designed to neutralize heel hook attacks and facilitate getting back to one's feet. This grip is pivotal for maintaining control and safety within the 50-50 position, emphasizing the importance of controlling the opponent's hips to prevent them from securing an advantageous knee position. Jones outlines how this technique stifles the opponent's movement and neutralizes threats, making it crucial for escaping the 50-50 position safely.


Taught By Craig Jones

Armbar Escapes

Title: Power Pins with Craig Jones

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video on arm bar defense underscores the pivotal role of continuous movement in safeguarding against an arm bar. It stresses that staying stationary makes the defender vulnerable to the opponent's attacks, suggesting that strategic mobility—calculated and purposeful adjustments—is crucial for preventing the opponent from securing a strong position. The essence of this defense strategy is to disrupt the opponent's ability to apply force effectively, necessitating continuous adaptation to the opponent's movements to maintain safety. This approach emphasizes the importance of movement and adaptation in arm bar defense.


Back Mount Escapes

Title: Back Escape Technique

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The summary outlines a grappling technique aimed at controlling the opponent's leg to maintain a positional advantage. As the opponent commits their weight, it presents an opportunity for control. By extending the opponent's hook (leg), you create a chance to dominate their movement by grabbing their knee. The term 'skating in' suggests a specific movement to close distance and apply pressure. A strategic shift in position makes your left knee press down on the opponent's ankle while your right knee traps their hook, effectively immobilizing their leg. This maneuver, designed to trap the opponent's hook by pressing your heel into the ground, limits their ability to retract their leg. However, incorrect execution risks allowing the opponent to escape or counter the move. Additionally, if the opponent, referred to as 'Waltz', circles behind, it could expose you to counter-movements, highlighting the technique's complexity and the importance of precision in grappling scenarios.


Half Guard Escapes

Title: Kimura Escape from Top Half Guard

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones emphasizes the critical role of securing a cross face and leveraging knee placement to disrupt the opponent's grip. He details how positioning the knee on the opponent's elbow can effectively strip the grip, facilitating a transition into a passing sequence. The tutorial focuses on the tactical use of the knee to control the opponent and break their grip, applicable in both bottom side and top half guard scenarios, offering practical insights for grappling practitioners looking to enhance their defensive techniques against kimura attempts.


Side Control Escapes

Title: Single Leg Escape

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The "Single Leg Escape" video by Craig Jones covers a fundamental technique for escaping side control in grappling. It details the process of securing an underhook and the importance of preventing the opponent from transitioning to a mount position. Through a combination of bridging motions and creating separation, the practitioner can move into a single leg position, thwarting the opponent's control efforts. The technique further involves transitioning to a dog fight position, aiming to create a scramble that facilitates escape. The essence of this escape method lies in maintaining control and preventing the opponent from dominating the position, making it a valuable strategy for defense and regaining control in grappling scenarios.


Triangle Escapes

Title: Triangle Escape

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video outlines a basic but effective technique for escaping the triangle choke in MMA and jiu-jitsu, starting with crossing your legs in front of the opponent to initiate the escape. The key to making the escape more difficult for the opponent to complete is to lean away, with the approach varying based on the individual's flexibility. Those with good flexibility can sit down while leaning away, whereas less flexible individuals may need to stand before leaning. Practicing and testing this technique is essential to determine its effectiveness for different body types and flexibility levels. Successfully escaping the triangle choke opens the opportunity to transition to offensive moves, particularly targeting the opponent's legs. The video encourages viewers to experiment with this technique to adapt it to their fighting style and capabilities.


Title: Triangle Escape 1

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones explains a strategy that involves posturing up to prevent the opponent, referred to as Freddy, from fully locking in the triangle submission. He details an escape method by clearing grips, sitting back, and crossing legs in front of the opponent's body, which complicates the opponent's ability to finalize the triangle choke. This position not only facilitates escape but also opens opportunities to attack the opponent's legs. 


Turtle Escapes

Title: How To Use Wrestling to Beat Jiu-Jitsu

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video delves into the integration of wrestling techniques into BJJ and MMA, inspired by Derrick Lewis's effective stand-up counter strategy. It emphasizes the utility of wrestling skills, such as the ability to stand up and break grips, in both MMA and pure Jiu-Jitsu contexts. The presentation covers countering the seatbelt grip and introduces the power half technique as a method for disrupting an opponent's posture and control. Demonstrations highlight the power half's goal of extending the opponent and strategies for countering it, including the hip-sit technique as a counter to various control positions. Overall, the video underscores the importance of wrestling techniques in grappling, focusing on stand-up strategies, the power half, and hip-sit counters to enhance combat sports performance.

Guard Retention

Taught By Craig Jones

Z Guard Retention

Title: Baiting Opponent Into Z Guard

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Baiting Opponent Into Z Guard" by Craig Jones focuses on strategies to manipulate opponents into engaging more intensely in a jiu-jitsu match, specifically guiding them into a less favorable position like the Z Guard. Craig Jones highlights techniques such as hooking and framing to control the opponent's movements and prevent them from securing an advantageous position. He details how to force the opponent's knee to the floor to achieve superior control. The emphasis is on the tactical aspect of making the opponent uncomfortable and dominating the engagement to gain a competitive edge, particularly in competition settings. This instructional video offers insights into positioning and control tactics in jiu-jitsu, aiming to provide practitioners with techniques to outmaneuver their opponents effectively.


Title: Dealing with the Rau

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Dealing with the Rau" by Craig Jones addresses strategies for managing pressure from an opponent in grappling. Craig Jones advises on the importance of cautious force application to avoid creating vulnerabilities and emphasizes the necessity of being attuned to the opponent's movements to adapt one's strategy effectively. He counsels against panic and overexertion, suggesting instead a balanced use of force and the tactical movement into the opponent when needed. The objective is to deter the opponent from applying full weight on top, while preparing to counter their actions and seize advantageous positions. The focus is on awareness, judicious force application, and strategic responses to the opponent's maneuvers.

Guard Passing

Taught By Craig Jones

Guard Passing

Title: Body Lock Foot Post

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The "Body Lock Foot Post" video by Craig Jones showcases a novel approach to the body lock pass in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focusing on a technique that deviates from traditional leg stepping. Highlighting a long arm short arm grip for transitioning into a deep hip grip, Jones offers a solution for opponents with notable leg length or flexibility. He explains controlling the opponent's butterfly hook to restrict movement, advocating for the introduction of new techniques to keep the game unpredictable and prevent pattern recognition by the opponent. This strategy aims to unsettle the opponent's defense, increasing the effectiveness of the body lock pass.


Headquarters Passing


Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "LEG WEAVE PASS to KNEE RIDE" by Craig Jones focuses on a grappling technique involving hooking and flaring to pass the guard and transition into a knee ride position. Craig Jones highlights the importance of securing a strong grip ("bite") and engaging the toes for an effective hook. He advises on the necessity to flare the foot and turn the knees inward to successfully complete the pass. Jones warns against pointing the toes, which can impede the desired maneuver, emphasizing the technique's goal to secure a dominant position through precise hooking and flaring movements.


Title: Smash Pass by Craig Jones (Set Up With Leg Lock)

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Guard headquarters to smash pass.


Taught By Craig Jones

50/50 Submissions

Title: Finishing From 50/50

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Finishing From 50/50" by Craig Jones covers techniques for executing submissions from the 50/50 guard in jiu-jitsu. Craig Jones stresses the significance of positioning the knee upwards, not flat, to apply effective upward pressure on the opponent's leg. He introduces the cross body reaper position as a method to create distance and facilitate hip elevation for a successful submission. Addressing common defensive tactics like head grabbing and hand fighting by opponents, Jones underscores the necessity of maintaining the knee's upward orientation for a clean submission. 


Arm Triangle Submissions

Title: Rear Ezekiel

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Rear Ezekiel" by Craig Jones focuses on executing an arm triangle submission in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, detailing the importance of positioning and pressure to secure the submission effectively. Craig Jones demonstrates adjustments to the arm triangle when the opponent tries to bridge away and transitions to an arm-in Ezekiel choke if the initial attempt is not successful. He emphasizes the need for applying consistent pressure over time, rather than exerting maximum force immediately, and points out common errors in submission attempts. Additionally, Jones offers advice on applying effective strangle pressure. This instructional video offers deep insights into the nuances of securing an arm triangle submission and adapting with an arm-in Ezekiel choke, providing viewers with strategies to enhance their submission game.


Back Mount Submissions

Title: Finishing a Mandible Rear Naked

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Finishing a Mandible Rear Naked" by Craig Jones focuses on executing the mandible strangle, a variation of the rear naked choke, especially when the opponent tucks their chin to prevent a clean choke. Craig Jones demonstrates adjusting the elbows deep and connecting the hands to apply pressure on the carotid arteries, even with the chin in the way. He emphasizes applying slow, consistent pressure rather than a forceful squeeze to minimize discomfort while still securing the strangle. The tutorial provides insights into performing the mandible strangle effectively in training or competition, highlighting technical precision and proper pressure application.


Full Mount Submissions

Title: Triangle Choke Set Up On The Mount

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: YouTube features Craig Jones demonstrating a new setup for a triangle choke from the mount position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This instructional video includes detailed explanations and demonstrations by Craig Jones, focusing on the techniques and strategies to effectively apply this choke in grappling situations. For an in-depth understanding and visual demonstration, you can watch the video directly on YouTube. 


Half Guard Submissions

Title: Creating Movement

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The instructional video delves into the nuances of setting up an armbar in grappling, emphasizing the importance of bringing feet together to enhance mobility and create angles for various submissions. The speaker advises against direct resistance, suggesting the use of movement to find alternative submission opportunities. Various armbar applications are discussed, with a focus on adapting to the opponent's movements to maintain effectiveness. The setup also potentially opens up opportunities for other submissions, like triangles and backtakes. The video underscores adaptability and strategic positioning as key to controlling and submitting the opponent effectively.


Omoplata Submissions

Title: Omoplata Opens To Legs

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Omoplata Opens To Legs" by Craig Jones explores the strategic use of the omoplata position to set up leg attacks in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Craig Jones emphasizes the significance of recognizing the potential for leg attacks from the omoplata, even for beginners, and the importance of mastering the omoplata position as a foundation for advancing to leg attacks. He advocates for using upper body threats to expose the legs for attacks, highlighting the strategy of alternating between upper and lower body submissions to destabilize opponents and create openings for leg attacks. The video aims to illustrate how proficiency in the omoplata can significantly enhance a practitioner's ability to execute leg attacks effectively.


Standing Submissions

Title: ADCC-Tested Guillotine Choke

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: In an interview, a jiu-jitsu competitor outlines their submission strategy, emphasizing the anticipation of the opponent's moves, inducing fatigue to weaken defenses, and avoiding the opponent's strengths while exploiting their weaknesses. The strategy culminated in securing a guillotine submission, facilitated by the opponent's fatigue and a flawed takedown attempt. Detailed insights into the grip and positioning for the guillotine, along with a reference to its successful application in a previous match, were shared. This approach underscores the tactical and technical nuances of competing in jiu-jitsu, focusing on the strategic manipulation of the match's flow and the precise execution of submissions.


Title: Chin Strap

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The "Chin Strap" video by Craig Jones focuses on the significance of the chin strap grip for executing guillotine submissions in grappling. Craig Jones details how securing the opponent's chin with the palm is crucial for setting up various guillotine chokes. He advises against aligning the elbow with the opponent's chin, which could allow them to counter, and instead recommends turning the opponent's head and retracting the elbow to maintain effective control. The chin strap serves as a pivotal point for transitioning into different guillotine variations, including arm-in, high elbow, and high wrist guillotines. Mastering the chin strap control is presented as essential for enhancing guillotine submission skills and preventing opponents from escaping or countering the move.

Avoiding Injury

Taught By Craig Jones

Armbar Avoid Injury

Title: Craig Jones Demonstrates Safe Training Principles

Teacher: Craig Jones


In order to effectively execute a move that would incapacitate an opponent's arm, such as an armlock or arm break, it's crucial to first gain control over their movement. Without establishing this control, attempting to break the arm would be difficult, if not impossible, due to the opponent's ability to move and resist. This concept underscores the importance of control and technique over brute force in combat situations.


Taught By Craig Jones

Knee on Belly Control

Title: Knee Ride

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Knee Ride by Craig Jones" on YouTube is an instructional piece where Craig Jones demonstrates the knee ride technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He provides a step-by-step guide on how to effectively position and control an opponent using this technique. This includes details on body placement, balance, and transitions to maintain control and leverage. The video is ideal for practitioners looking to refine their knee ride skills in BJJ. For detailed instructions and visual demonstrations, you can watch the full video here


Leg Entanglement Control

Title: Inside Position

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Inside Position" by Craig Jones delves into the strategic use of grips in grappling, particularly comparing the inside elbow grip with the reinforced grip. Craig Jones explains that although the reinforced grip offers more strength and versatility, the inside grip has its merits in specific scenarios. He demonstrates transitioning between grips and points out the knee bar opportunities that arise with a reinforced grip. Jones introduces the concept of the "false reep," emphasizing the value of improvisation in grappling. He suggests that while the reinforced grip is generally preferred, the inside grip can creatively lead to heel hooks and other techniques. The tutorial encourages practitioners to explore beyond traditional techniques, highlighting the importance of adaptability and innovation in grappling strategies.


North-South Control

Title: North South Choke As A Pinning Tool

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones details how this position offers significant control over the opponent, reducing their escape options. He underscores the position's effectiveness, especially against opponents resistant to being on the bottom, and emphasizes the importance of mastering finishes from the North South position for grappling success.


Side Control Control

Title: Far Side Underhook Pin

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Demonstraction of how using the pin helps keep your opponent down. 


Title: Far Side Underhook Pin

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones details the process of isolating the far side underhook from side control, combining it with a cross face for a more potent pinning position. He emphasizes the importance of pulling the underhook tightly and using shoulder pressure on the ground to limit the opponent's ability to bridge. Demonstrating the technique's effectiveness across different size matchups, Jones encourages practitioners to practice setting up and applying the far side underhook to achieve a strong pin. The tutorial underscores the technique's utility in grappling, highlighting its capacity to control and dominate opponents.


Turtle Control

Title: Spiral Ride by Craig Jones

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video features Craig Jones elaborating on the spiral ride technique, emphasizing the use of a claw and hook to manipulate the opponent's spine, thereby compromising their balance and structural integrity. By making the opponent less structurally sound, it becomes easier to control and submit them. Jones also discusses the potential drawbacks of relying solely on underhooks and overhooks for control, pointing out their vulnerabilities to counter-moves and limitations in applying pressure. The focus is on the strategic application of the spiral ride, considering the opponent's reactions and defense strategies for optimal control. This approach highlights the importance of spine manipulation and a critical view of traditional control positions in grappling.


Taught By Craig Jones

Standing Takedowns

Title: Rear Body Lock Outside Hook

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones explains the technique of using an outside hook to pull an opponent down, facilitating the establishment of a rear body lock position. He highlights the necessity of fully engaging the knee to apply effective pressure on the opponent's knee with the outside hook. Additionally, Jones discusses how the outside hook can serve as a countermeasure against a front-facing body lock, opening avenues for executing takedowns. The tutorial offers valuable insights into leveraging outside hooks for controlling and maneuvering the opponent's position in grappling, emphasizing their utility in gaining advantageous positions.


Title: De Ashi Harai

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "De Ashi Harai" by Craig Jones explores the technique of de ashi harai (correctly referred to as "de ashi barai" in traditional Judo terminology), a sweeping move aimed at bringing the opponent's feet together to facilitate a takedown in jiu-jitsu. Craig Jones discusses the strategic aspect of this technique, including the common jiu-jitsu response of seeking the edge of the mats for a reset, using the example of Gordon Ryan against Patrick Gaudio to illustrate its application in competition. The technique focuses on mirroring the opponent's stance to simplify the sweeping action. The objective is to elevate the opponent and improve positional control, even in anticipation of the move.


Title: Standing Rear Body Lock to Takedown

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Standing Rear Body Lock to Takedown" by Craig Jones explores a technique popularized by Zakara against the Gracies, focusing on the standing rear body lock. Craig Jones highlights the criticality of swiftly switching hands to compel the opponent to change their grip, aiming to make them instinctively post a hand on the ground. He references a Nick Diaz fight to demonstrate the move's effectiveness. The essence of the technique lies in lifting the opponent's hips above their head, prompting them to open their hands and release the grip. Described as straightforward yet potent, this method effectively breaks the grip and secures an advantage in a standing rear body lock scenario.


Title: Double Leg Legs Across

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Double Leg Legs Across" by Craig Jones focuses on the optimal finishing position for a double leg takedown, highlighting the technique of positioning the opponent's legs across the body to mitigate the risk of a guillotine choke. Craig Jones explains the importance of lifting the opponent's legs and placing them on the opposite side of the body, ensuring the head and lower body are on different sides of the opponent to prevent them from executing the submission. This strategic positioning makes it challenging for the opponent to reinsert their knee and pose a submission threat. Jones emphasizes readiness for this position across various takedown styles and demonstrates how to apply it effectively, underlining the tactic as crucial for countering guillotine attempts and achieving a successful double leg takedown.


Title: Ultimate Goal Against The Fence

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Ultimate Goal Against The Fence" by Craig Jones outlines the strategic objective in combat sports of positioning the opponent against the fence and securing a double X lock (lock double) with the hands around them. This position, achieved by completely locking the hands below the opponent's buttocks, significantly enhances the ability to execute takedowns while making it challenging for the opponent to defend. Craig Jones emphasizes that this hand-locking technique facilitates various takedown options and is effective even with suboptimal posture from the person initiating the takedown. The focus of the video is on the tactical advantage of achieving this dominant position to control the fight's outcome.


Taught By Craig Jones

Guard Sweeps

Title: Hip Bump Entry From Closed Guard

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones presents a variation of the hip bump sweep from closed guard in jiu-jitsu, focusing on using a collar tie instead of reaching over the shoulder. This technique is particularly effective against opponents with high posture or less activity. By securing a collar tie, the practitioner lifts their hips and bumps into the opponent, forcing them to post their hand on the mat. This action opens the opportunity to transition into the front senkaku position based on the opponent's response. Jones highlights the value of integrating this variation into the repertoire of those familiar with the basic hip bump sweep, offering a strategic entry into the front senkaku from closed guard and enriching the traditional sweep technique with a new tactical layer.


Octopus Guard Sweeps

Title: The Reach Around AKA Octopus Guard

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video titled "Free Craig Jones Technique: The Reach Around AKA Octopus Guard" on YouTube features Craig Jones, a notable grappler and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu expert, demonstrating and explaining the "Reach Around" or "Octopus Guard" technique. This technique is part of his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu skills, and the video includes demonstrations, instructions, and tips for effectively utilizing this move in grappling or martial arts. For a detailed explanation and step-by-step guidance, you can watch the video directly on YouTube. 

Leg Entry

Taught By Craig Jones

De La Riva Leg Entry

Title: Underhook De La Riva To Single Leg X

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones highlights the critical role of precise positioning and technique to gain leverage over the opponent. He outlines the method of swinging the leg through to secure a position that targets the opponent's knee, using the shin and knees for control and setting up potential submissions or reversals. Jones stresses the necessity of maintaining pressure and control during the transition, providing a comprehensive guide on executing this specific grappling maneuver with an emphasis on strategic and technical execution.


Knee Shield Leg Entry

Title: Standing Opponent

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Starting in Z Guard with your opponent attempting a guard pass, block the attempt with your knee shield, prompting them to reconsider their strategy. If the opponent, Tyler, opts to stand up or alter his approach, be prepared to transition to a different guard. As Tyler adjusts his position, switch to a combination of the reverse De La Riva guard and knee shield to control his leg and thwart a knee slide pass. Firmly control Tyler's leg to limit his movement and prevent the pass. Should Tyler place his knee atop your leg, cross your feet to create a barrier against his pass attempt. This position allows you to maintain control over Tyler, dictating the match's pace and flow, ensuring you're not merely reacting to his actions.

Multiple Techniques

Taught By Craig Jones

Multiple Positions Multiple Techniques

Title: Craig Jones Teaches Morning Class at B-Team | Free Technique

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: In this video, Jones likely shares insights, techniques, and strategies related to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, offering valuable lessons for practitioners of the martial art. The video provides an opportunity to learn from Jones' expertise and experience in a classroom setting. For more detailed content, you can watch the full video on YouTube.


Title: Craig Jones teaching B-Team Jiu-Jitsu Techniques

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video highlights an open mic grappling event, emphasizing its intimate, high-level setting that enhances learning and participation. It stresses the importance of efficiency in grappling, focusing on strategic energy use and demonstrating a technique to block the cross face and secure a straight arm for positional advantage. A student's attitude and skills receive special praise, illustrating the impact of positive behavior on performance.

Wrestling Up

Taught By Craig Jones

Guard Wrestling Up

Title: You Can't Wrestle Up by Craig Jones

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video explores wrestling techniques when one competitor is against a wall, emphasizing the unique dynamics this position introduces. It highlights the opponent's strategy of driving their hips into the wrestler against the wall, exploiting the limited mobility that the wall imposes. Contrasting with open space wrestling, where maintaining angles is crucial for leverage and control, the video points out that being against the wall greatly reduces the ability to maintain these angles, thus limiting defensive and counter-attacking options. It discusses the challenges of reduced maneuverability and increased vulnerability when backed against a wall and suggests strategies and adaptations for effectively handling this scenario, including defensive strategies to protect oneself and potentially reverse the situation. This summary underscores the importance of adapting wrestling techniques for the specific challenges presented when competing against a wall.


Open Guard Wrestling Up

Title: Hit 'Em With The Hips

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Hit 'Em With The Hips" by Craig Jones explores the effective use of a sprawl in wrestling to counter an opponent's shot, with a particular emphasis on the strategic use of hips to prevent the opponent from rising. Craig Jones highlights the importance of altering the sprawl's angle to block the opponent's position advancement and notes the advantage MMA fighters have in this scenario over jiu-jitsu practitioners. He advises caution in employing this technique against a fatigued opponent and demonstrates the significant difference in outcomes between a traditional sprawl and one that utilizes hip impact. The technique's ability to induce frustration and exhaustion in the opponent is also discussed, underscoring the effectiveness of using hips and underhooks to thwart an opponent's shot and maintain control in wrestling.

Taking the Back

Taught By Craig Jones

Ashi Garami Taking the Back

Title: Crab Ride Back Take

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Crab Ride Back Take" by Craig Jones covers a technique for securing the back position from an outside standing posture. Craig Jones details entering the crab ride position, focusing on precise hand and foot placements to gain control. He stresses the significance of deep grips and correct foot positioning for maintaining dominance. Additionally, Jones demonstrates a forward roll technique that leverages momentum to control the opponent and secure the back. He discusses the nuances of this method and its effectiveness in achieving a dominant back position, also noting differences from previous techniques. The tutorial offers a comprehensive breakdown of the movements and grips essential for successfully implementing the crab ride back take.

Heel Hooks

Taught By Craig Jones

50/50 Heel Hooks

Title: Intro to the Back Side 50/50

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Intro to the Back Side 50/50" by Craig Jones introduces the backside 50/50 position, a grappling technique particularly useful against opponents who resist being on the bottom. This position is advantageous in competitions for dealing with opponents who prefer top positions. Craig Jones explains that the primary escape method involves a quick back step, although not all opponents will permit an easy exit. He highlights the necessity of understanding defensive maneuvers for escaping the backside 50/50, as some opponents possess strong finishing skills from this position. The effectiveness of utilizing and escaping the backside 50/50 relies on the practitioner's and the opponent's expertise and strategic approach.


Ashi Garami Heel Hooks

Title: Outside Foot Assist

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Outside Foot Assist" by Craig Jones focuses on a technique for escaping an outside heel hook in grappling. Craig Jones demonstrates how to slip the heel and use the secondary foot to apply counter force, enhancing the chance of escaping the hold. He shows how placing the second foot at the base of the opponent's elbow can extend it away from the body, creating space to slip the heel. Variations include targeting the elbow or sliding the foot under the armpit to lift and disrupt the hold. Jones emphasizes the importance of consistent pressure, constant extension, and practice to effectively execute these escape techniques. The video provides a comprehensive guide on using foot assist as a defense mechanism against outside heel hooks.

Knee Bars

Taught By Craig Jones

Half Guard Knee Bars

Title: Dog Bar

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Dog Bar" by Craig Jones explores the technique known as the "dog bar," attributed to Bernardo Faria, a renowned figure in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and owner of BJJ Fanatics. Craig Jones details how the move is effectively applied from the top half guard position or during an over-under pass, focusing on attacking the knee to control the opponent's hips and extend through their position. The technique is presented as a valuable addition to knee bar submissions, with Jones highlighting Faria's mastery and contribution to this technique. The video serves as both a demonstration and an endorsement of the dog bar's effectiveness in grappling scenarios, showcasing its strategic importance in submission grappling.


Leg Entanglement Knee Bars

Title: Outside Heel Hook Kneebar

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video "Outside Heel Hook Kneebar" by Craig Jones explores a grappling technique focusing on an outside heel hook grip, attributed to Hugh Hook Niba, celebrated for his kindness and grappling prowess. Niba's method involves using the grip to control the opponent and exert pressure on the leg, with specific emphasis on keeping the knees pointed upwards to maintain control and prevent escape. This technique, characterized by its innovation and rarity in grappling circles, includes executing a reap, crossing the ankles, and applying quick pressure to achieve a submission. The video highlights the critical role of precise technique and control in successfully implementing the outside heel hook grip.


Turtle Knee Bars

Title: Go Behind Kneebar

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones demonstrates how to capitalize on an opponent's momentum when they attempt to take the back or improve their position. The technique involves rolling through and trapping the opponent's leg, a move that is particularly effective when the opponent steps between the legs in a go-behind position. Jones emphasizes the importance of quickness, timing, and practicing in realistic settings to ensure effectiveness in MMA and wrestling contexts. The tutorial underscores the significance of adaptability and precise timing in executing techniques during dynamic combat sports scenarios.

Positional Improvement

Taught By Craig Jones

Half Guard Positional Improvement

Title: Height Scramble

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: The video by Craig Jones focuses on the strategic application of the kosoto hook in grappling, underscoring the importance of adapting to the opponent's movements to exploit openings. Jones demonstrates how the kosoto hook can be used to generate forward pressure, transitioning into a hip bump variation, and discusses countermeasures for the opponent's responses. He also explains the utility of the kosoto hook in initiating wrestling scrambles and targeting the opponent's legs. Stressing a proactive stance, Jones encourages viewers to continuously seek ways to advance their position or capture the opponent's back. The emphasis is on the necessity of quick reaction and flexibility in response to the opponent's maneuvers, offering a comprehensive exploration of the kosoto hook's effectiveness in grappling contexts.


Octopus Guard Positional Improvement

Title: Beat The Step Over

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: Craig Jones underscores the necessity of active leg engagement to thwart the opponent's attempts to gain a positional advantage, such as taking the back. He outlines two primary defensive strategies: employing a butterfly hook when the opponent conceals their foot and utilizing a kosoto hook if the opponent's foot is exposed. Jones stresses the importance of adaptability, encouraging practitioners to seize the opportunities presented by the opponent's movements, whether through a butterfly or kosoto hook. The core message emphasizes proactive control over the opponent's actions to maintain the integrity of the octopus guard position.


Title: Octopus To Front Head

Teacher: Craig Jones

Summary: He highlights the strategic advantage of standing up when an opponent backs away, which can stimulate activity and open up opportunities for various attacks, including front head style and seated guillotine attacks. Jones also touches on the possibility of transitioning to leg attacks from the side control position. The overarching theme of the video is the importance of being open-minded, innovative, and unpredictable in grappling to outmaneuver opponents and enhance the effectiveness of attacks.

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