Lachlan Giles

60 FREE Instructional Videos - K, Half Guard & More

Looking for the coolest accent in all of jiu-jitsu? Watch the best content from Lachlan Giles here.

Survival (Defense)

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Saddle Survival (Defense)

Title: Defending and escaping the saddle

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video offers an instructional guide on defending against and escaping the saddle position in jiu-jitsu. The presenter highlights the critical strategy of keeping the knee straight and toes pointed to create space and avoid the opponent's heel catch. Demonstrating hip movement to the right and a kicking motion to free the leg, the speaker advises focusing on maintaining the leg's straightness and pointedness rather than the opponent's grip on the other leg. The tutorial includes steps on how to release the leg from the opponent's grip and effectively disengage from the saddle position, providing viewers with comprehensive techniques for defense and escape in this grappling scenario.


Side Control Survival (Defense)

Title: Preventing side control

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The first part of this video (up until 3:52) goes into how to prevent your opponent from actually getting a tight side control. Preventing the side control is much easier than the actual escape.


Taught By Lachlan Giles

Back Mount Escapes

Title: Escape the back PT2. Clearing the arm to the other side

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video presents a technique for escaping a lapel choke in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focusing on controlling the choking arm and moving the head to the opposite side to escape. It covers preventing the opponent from securing a Kimura grip and transitioning to the mount position. Emphasizing the importance of controlling the choking arm and blocking the opponent's movements, the speaker provides detailed instructions for executing the escape and defending against further attacks. This comprehensive guide aims to equip practitioners with the necessary skills to escape a lapel choke and maintain control during a match.


Title: Escaping the back (Pay attention to the leg work)

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: An explanation of how to escape the back, with a more detailed explanation (at 2:26) of escaping the back triangle towards the end.


Title: Bow and Arrow Choke

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: How to escape the bow and arrow choke (escape starts at 4:49).


Full Mount Escapes

Title: Escaping the mount Choosing the escape based on where their weight is placed

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video delves into techniques and strategies for escaping when pinned under an opponent in jiu-jitsu, highlighting the critical role of upper body control and the necessity of preventing the opponent from gaining leverage behind the tricep. The presenter showcases methods to block the opponent's hips and safeguard the tricep, alongside the significance of strategic leg positioning and techniques for trapping the opponent's foot to hinder their movement. Additionally, the video addresses scenarios where the opponent's legs are crossed, offering a specific technique to free the trapped foot. This instructional piece provides a comprehensive guide on various escape mechanisms from challenging positions in jiu-jitsu, focusing on maintaining control and leveraging positioning to regain advantage.


Title: Batting for Inside Leg Position

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: This video details the battle you must undergo to get inside leg positioning for a mount escape. 


Title: Transitioning between armbar and back control

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: Starting at 5:35, Lachlan shows a scenario where he escapes the armbar by pushing the top leg off of his head and continuing to push himself backward over his opponent's leg.


Leg Entanglement Escapes

Title: Rolling out of Heel Hooks

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The instructor focuses on the crucial technique of tucking the foot into the hip and using the other leg as an anchor to escape the hook. Demonstrating the proper body rolling and positioning to shield the heel, the tutorial also distinguishes between inside and outside heel hook defenses, stressing the importance of straightening the foot and leg to evade the opponent's grip. The instructor points out common errors, such as incorrect rolling or crossing the feet, which can lead to a successful heel hook by the opponent. The video is a comprehensive resource on heel hook defense, underlining the significance of correct technique to prevent injuries.


North-South Escapes

Title: Escaping north south and choosing the correct escape based on arm position

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video provides guidance on controlling and recovering from the north-south position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, emphasizing the use of frames to create space and counter the opponent's dominance. It demonstrates transitioning frames from the hip to shoulders, using leg movements for recovery, and addresses countermeasures against arm control and Kimura holds. The importance of adjusting frames in response to the opponent's movements and strategies to prevent opponent follow-through is highlighted. The presenter advocates for regular practice of these techniques, offering insights and demonstrations beneficial for practitioners looking to enhance their defensive capabilities in the north-south position.


Side Control Escapes

Title: Linking 4 different side control escapes

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The first escape technique involves blocking the opponent's arm, pushing it away, and using an elbow roll forward to regain position. The second technique focuses on blocking the opponent's hip with the elbow to create space for escape. The third escape uses hand framing and leg straightening to create distance and recover guard. The fourth technique is applicable when the opponent attempts to transition around the player, where turning to the knees and chasing the opponent's legs can reverse the situation. Throughout the video, the importance of control to prevent the opponent from achieving a more dominant position like mount is stressed.


Title: The best way to escape side control

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video focuses on mastering fundamental techniques for escaping side control in jiu-jitsu, highlighting two primary methods: the basic hip escape and using footwork to transition to the knees. The emphasis is on creating space and employing frames to push the opponent away effectively. Key points include the critical positioning of frames against the opponent's hips and the strategic placement of the head to control the opponent's movement. The presenter points out common errors, such as premature knee crossing or leading with the knee when moving to an open guard, and offers detailed guidance on executing escapes properly. Additionally, solutions for overcoming challenges like tight hips are discussed.


Title: The Best Way To Escape Side Control Part 2

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video covers techniques for escaping grappling positions, highlighting the hip escape, underhook, and pillow defense. The presenter underscores the significance of creating space and maintaining proper positioning to thwart the opponent's control efforts. Emphasizing neck defense and the readiness to transition to a better position, the speaker advocates for a proactive approach to escaping, advising against letting the opponent dictate the situation. The tutorial offers a comprehensive analysis of escape techniques and defensive strategies in grappling, providing viewers with actionable insights to improve their grappling defense.


Title: Frame Side Control Escape

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: From 3:50 on, a side control escape is taught. The escape involves getting both your inside elbow and inside knee against your opponent's hip in order to make a frame. Additionally, the outside arm will frame against the neck. Once the frame is established the outside knee will be used for a knee shield.


Title: Escape side control fundamentals part 2

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: How to escape side control using the underhook method. You'll want to frame to give yourself distance from your opponent and then get an underhook. After that, you'll sprawl and turn your body 180 degrees away from your opponent.

Guard Retention

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Guard Retention

Title: Guard Recovery and Inverting

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The speaker breaks down the mechanics of inverting, including lifting the hips and spinning to recover guard, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining contact with the opponent and controlling distance. Detailed instructions are provided for executing the inverting technique from various positions, addressing scenarios like when an opponent has passed the knee line or secured an underhook. Safety concerns, such as avoiding undue pressure on the neck and shoulders, are also discussed. Additionally, a variation of the inverting technique is demonstrated for situations where the opponent pushes the legs away, showcasing a different method to recover guard.


K Guard Retention

Title: How To Do The Perfect BJJ K Guard

Teacher: Lachlan Giles


In the instructional video presented by Lachlan Giles, he introduces the K Guard as a primary strategy when facing an opponent who is kneeling. Giles meticulously breaks down the process of executing sweeps from the K Guard, emphasizing its effectiveness in leading to leg locks. He outlines two main approaches to achieving a leg entanglement from this position: the first method involves getting the legs underneath the opponent to attempt an elevation, and the second method requires placing the feet on the outside, ensuring that, in case the maneuver doesn't go as planned, one still maintains a defensive posture with both feet in front. This video serves as a comprehensive guide for practitioners looking to enhance their ground game, particularly in securing leg locks through the K Guard.

Guard Passing

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Butterfly Guard Passing

Title: Passing butterfly guard with the body lock

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The instructional video focuses on the butterfly guard technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, highlighting the significance of weight distribution and hip control. The speaker details how to utilize the butterfly guard to manage the opponent's movements, facilitating sweeps and submissions. Emphasizing the necessity of maintaining pressure and control, the tutorial also demonstrates leg passing and maintaining dominance from the butterfly guard position. This video offers a comprehensive guide to effectively applying the butterfly guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, catering to practitioners aiming to enhance their ground game.


Guard Passing

Title: Understanding Guard Passing: Concepts & Heuristics

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video is part of a free course on, focusing on understanding guard passing in Jiu Jitsu. The instructor offers general heuristics for effective guard passing, including making the opponent face away, seeking stable staging positions, and using misdirection to clear frames. Key points include the importance of controlling the opponent's hips, avoiding leg entanglements, and maintaining a top position to prevent sweeps. Techniques like using underhooks, cross face, and head control are discussed for gaining an advantage. The video also emphasizes controlling the inside space, using windshield wipers for movement, active posting, driving into the opponent, and taking them out of their preferred position. The instructor advises catching the opponent midway between seated and on their back for better control. The video underscores the importance of mastering guard passing skills and cautions against the temptation of going for leg locks from the top position, providing valuable insights and techniques for Jiu Jitsu practitioners.


Title: 5 Tips To Pass Any Guard No Gi

Teacher: Lachlan Giles


In this no-gi grappling tutorial, the speaker outlines five key tips for guard passing: 1) Control the opponent's shins or ankles to prevent kicks; 2) Gain inside leg positioning to hinder escapes; 3) Control the opponent's arm or torso to stop them from pushing away; 4) Block the opponent's hip to finalize the pass and block leg recovery; 5) Utilize submission threats to create openings for passing. 


Title: The Body Lock Pass: Standard version

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video presents an instructional guide on executing a body lock pass from a butterfly guard in jiu-jitsu. It emphasizes stopping the opponent's leg from moving outside, controlling the leg, locking hands while maintaining leg control, and transitioning hips to step over the leg. Key points include the importance of head positioning, leg control, and applying pressure on the opponent to successfully perform the pass. The speaker also offers discount codes for instructional materials. This tutorial provides a comprehensive approach to mastering the body lock pass, focusing on opponent control and maintaining proper positioning.


Title: Body lock pass

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary:  The speaker details the execution of the body lock pass, highlighting the necessity of keeping the opponent flat to inhibit their ability to use hands or legs for regaining control.


Taught By Lachlan Giles

Back Mount Submissions

Title: Transitioning between armbar and back control

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: If your opponent is escaping back control, you can go for the Armbar to stay on the offense. This begins with a typical seatbelt control and falling towards the side with the underhook. From this point, you will grab a kimura grip, frame against your opponent's face with your forearm, and then slide your leg over their head to get to the Armbar position.


Title: Bow and Arrow Choke

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: How to perform the bow and arrow choke.


Title: Mount to Back Take to Rear Naked Choke (RNC)

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: When in mount position, your opponent may turn to their side, exposing their back. You can use this to transition to a back mount by using the 'gift wrap' which will force your opponent to keep turning, allowing you to finish the back take. From there, this video demonstrates the proper technique for the rear-naked choke when on your opponent's back.


Closed Guard Submissions

Title: Triangle from Closed Guard w/ Over-hook

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video focuses on techniques for breaking an opponent's posture and setting up a triangle choke in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The speaker highlights the critical roles of positioning and hip movement to effectively secure the submission. Detailed instructions are provided on locking in the triangle choke and preventing the opponent's escape, emphasizing the need for a tight grip and the correct angle to enhance the choke's effectiveness. Additionally, strategies to counter the opponent's defense and adjust pressure for a successful submission are demonstrated. The importance of precise body positioning and movement for executing the triangle choke is underscored throughout the video.


Full Mount Submissions

Title: Mounted triangle

Teacher: Lachlan Giles


In Lachlan Giles' tutorial on executing a mounted triangle, he emphasizes the importance of control and positioning to successfully apply this submission technique. The process begins with pinning one of the opponent's hands down, followed by elevating the hips to position the knee high and underneath the opponent's arm. This creates the leverage needed to trap the opponent's head effectively. Giles further explains the critical step of rolling the body to adjust the opponent's position, making it easier to lift the leg and step over the top of the trapped arm. This maneuver not only secures the mounted triangle position but also sets the stage for a potential submission, showcasing Giles' methodical approach to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques.


Title: Mounted triangle

Teacher: Lachlan Giles


The video highlights a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training session focused on submissions from the mount position, emphasizing positioning and arm isolation. Techniques include pinning the wrist, setting up for a triangle choke or armbar, and adjustments for blocked attempts, like shifting for alternative submissions. The instructor stresses the importance of control, correct angles, and adapting to the opponent's defenses, aiming to improve effectiveness in mount attacks and submissions.


Guard Submissions

Title: Finishing mechanics of the triangle

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The instructional video focuses on the correct execution of a triangle choke in jujitsu, highlighting key aspects such as proper positioning, mechanics, and the importance of angle. The speaker details techniques like aligning shins, locking with the mid-calf, and employing a push-pull motion to tighten the choke. Special emphasis is placed on adjusting for opponents with broad shoulders by using the hips effectively to secure the arm and head. The video underscores the necessity of precision, control, and practice in mastering the triangle choke, making it a valuable guide for practitioners aiming to enhance their skills in this submission technique.


Half Guard Submissions

Title: Half Guard Kimura Series

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: In this instructional video, Brett Whedon Hoffer shares his expertise on the Kimura trap, a technique he effectively utilized in the EBI five against Connie Yaya. He explores various options and techniques within the Kimura trap sequence, detailing how to thwart an opponent's armbar attempt, transition to the north-south position, and counteract when the opponent attempts to posture up. Hoffer demonstrates the method to secure a Kimura finish and smoothly transition into an armbar, highlighting the critical aspects of maintaining the correct grip and positioning to exert maximal pressure on the opponent's shoulder. Drawing from his competition experience and strategies, Hoffer provides in-depth explanations and practical tips for each technique, making the video a comprehensive guide for grappling practitioners looking to enhance their proficiency with the Kimura trap in competitive settings.


Multiple Positions Submissions

Title: 3 BJJ Chokes That Everybody Should Know

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: Lachlan Giles presents three essential BJJ chokes that are crucial for every grappler's arsenal. He begins with the rear naked choke, focusing on the critical aspects of positioning and head control to ensure effectiveness. Giles then progresses to the arm-in guillotine, detailing the method for connecting the hands and applying shoulder pressure to secure the choke. The final technique covered is the Anaconda choke, where he emphasizes the need to break the opponent's grip and correctly position the forearm for execution. Throughout the tutorial, Giles offers in-depth explanations and practical tips for each choke, demonstrating his deep understanding and expertise in grappling techniques. Additionally, he mentions his instructional content on high percentage chokes available on BJJ Fanatics, providing a promo code for viewers interested in further learning. This video serves as a valuable resource for grapplers looking to enhance their jiu-jitsu skills with effective choking techniques.


Side Control Submissions

Title: Finishing from side control depending on the reaction of the near arm

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video showcases three techniques for countering an opponent's arm frame in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The first method focuses on clearing the arm from the hip to transition into a dominant position. The second technique involves retreating the hips and securing an underhook for control. The third strategy demonstrates how to jam the opponent's arm, leading into a north/south choke. Detailed instructions are provided for each technique, addressing how to adapt to the opponent's resistance. The presenter also explores potential follow-up moves, including transitions to mount or setting up a triangle choke, offering a thorough guide on navigating and overcoming an opponent's arm frame defense in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


Title: Far armbar from side control

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video features a detailed exploration of executing submissions from side control in jiu-jitsu, with a particular focus on the far side armbar. The presenter methodically demonstrates the setup process for the armbar from side control, highlighting the critical aspects of positioning and control. Key points include addressing common defenses and their counters, the necessity of maintaining pressure and control to secure the submission, and the importance of precise positioning to prevent the opponent's escape. The speaker advocates for regular practice of the technique and advises staying mindful of the opponent's potential defenses to enhance the submission's effectiveness.


Z Guard Submissions

Title: Z Guard to Williams Guard to Triangle Sequence

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video features a demonstration on transitioning from half guard to closed guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, highlighting the significance of proper positioning and flexibility. The speaker introduces the Williams guard as a viable alternative to the rubber guard for practitioners with limited flexibility. Detailed instructions are given on setting up the closed guard and finishing with a triangle choke, alongside strategies to avoid common mistakes, such as ensuring the knee and foot remain tight to the body to prevent the opponent from blocking the choke. The importance of maintaining control and applying pressure to successfully perform the technique is stressed, offering viewers a thorough understanding of the move, its variations, and practical tips for overcoming typical challenges.

Avoiding Injury

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Side Control Avoid Injury

Title: Escape side control fundamentals

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: At 6:35 this video goes over an important detail regarding avoiding a wrist injury when escaping side control. An important detail for staying safe.


Taught By Lachlan Giles

Guard Fundamentals

Title: The invert is a fundamental movement in jiu jitsu... is it bad for you?

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: In the insightful video presented by Dr. Lachlan Giles, he addresses a common question within the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community: whether the act of inverting, a fundamental movement in the sport, poses a risk to practitioners. Giles clarifies that the safety and effectiveness of inverting largely depend on an individual's mobility, particularly in the hamstrings. He explains that to invert safely, one should have the flexibility to place their feet on the ground above their head while still allowing sufficient space for the neck to move freely up and down. This detail underscores the importance of developing flexibility and strength in specific areas to prevent injury. Dr. Giles' analysis provides a nuanced understanding of the inversion movement, emphasizing that with the right conditioning and awareness, it can be a safe and valuable technique in a practitioner's arsenal.


Reverse De La Riva Fundamentals

Title: Reverse De La Riva 101

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: Lachlan underscores the necessity of proper grips and positioning for the effective application of this technique. Detailed instructions are provided on controlling the opponent's movements to recover the guard position, with an emphasis on the importance of maintaining balance and control throughout the execution.


X Guard Fundamentals

Title: X Guard: Entry from Butterfly, Controlling the Position, and Sweep

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The instructional video focuses on the X-guard technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a position that allows the practitioner to control the opponent's movements and facilitate sweeps. The presenter highlights the critical aspects of maintaining control over the position to prevent the opponent from escaping. A key technique demonstrated is the technical stand-up sweep from the X-guard, with detailed guidance on the timing and foot placement necessary for executing a successful sweep. The video emphasizes the importance of controlling the opponent, precise timing, and preventing the opponent from stabilizing their position.


Taught By Lachlan Giles

Closed Guard Sweeps

Title: No Gi Pendulum Sweep and Arm Bar from Closed Guard

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video provides a step-by-step guide on a jiu-jitsu technique that combines blocking the opponent's post with a pendulum sweep to transition into an armbar. It highlights the importance of correct body positioning, muscle engagement, and adjusting the technique based on the opponent's hand placement. The presenter emphasizes practicing to achieve the right angle for a smooth armbar transition. The tutorial offers clear, detailed instructions for effectively executing this move, catering to both the practitioner and their partner.


Half Guard Sweeps

Title: The main sweep to know from half guard

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: In this instructional video, Lachlan Giles focuses on the half guard underhook sweep, a fundamental technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that leverages control and positioning to overturn an opponent. Giles begins by highlighting the importance of establishing a high knee shield and securing an underhook, ensuring that the practitioner is also hooking the opponent's bottom leg for added control. He advises sitting up and maneuvering under one's own leg to achieve a high underhook position, which prevents the opponent from transitioning to a cross-body position. The key to executing the sweep, as Giles elaborates, is to shoot around the corner and connect to the opponent's back hip, using the left leg to trap and the right leg extended as a pivot to drive the sweep. This technique not only allows for a dynamic shift in positioning but also sets up potential transitions and submissions from the half guard.


Title: How To Sweep Wrestlers From BJJ Half Guard

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: In "How To Sweep Wrestlers From BJJ Half Guard," Lachlan Giles presents a strategy tailored for grappling with wrestlers who often employ a strong whizzer and back up their back leg for stability and control. Giles emphasizes the use of a knee shield complemented by the elbow to reinforce this defensive barrier. To effectively counter the wrestler's posture, one must secure a grip over the opponent's shoulder blade, a pivotal detail that sets the stage for the sweep. Giles instructs practitioners to start getting up on one hand, which shifts the balance and creates an opening. The next step involves swinging the free hand underneath to grab the opponent's leg, with the goal of pulling the opponent's hands towards the mat. This technique leverages the wrestler's forward pressure and strong base against them, allowing the BJJ practitioner to initiate a sweep by disrupting their balance and exploiting the created openings.


Open Guard Sweeps

Title: Sweeps from Shin-to-Shin Guard

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The instructor places a strong emphasis on the importance of proper posture and positioning, leveraging momentum, and effectively using leverage to perform these moves. Additionally, the session covers strategies for countering opponents' movements and maintaining control throughout the execution of techniques.


Reverse De La Riva Sweeps

Title: Sweeps from Reverse De La Riva

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: Lachlan Giles demonstrates the "reversed De La Riva guard" technique, applicable in both gi and no-gi grappling. He details the process of capturing the opponent's leg, creating space, and executing a sweep by manipulating their weight and positioning. Giles stresses the critical roles of grip, body positioning, angle, and timing in the successful application of this technique. Additionally, he introduces a variation for scenarios where the opponent does not step forward, focusing on pulling the opponent's shoulder and rolling through for a sweep.


X Guard Sweeps

Title: Linking attacks from Single leg X guard

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The instructional video showcases various sweep techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focusing on the strategic reach for the opponent's leg to disrupt balance and facilitate the sweep. The presenter introduces three distinct sweep options, each emphasizing different strategies for off-balancing the opponent. Key points include the use of momentum and precise positioning to successfully execute the sweeps. The video also stresses the significance of integrating these techniques into a cohesive series of movements, enhancing the effectiveness of one's grappling strategy. Overall, it provides a detailed exploration of sweep techniques, underscoring the critical roles of timing, positioning, and balance in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Leg Entry

Taught By Lachlan Giles

K Guard Leg Entry

Title: K guard is the best for leg entanglement entries

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video features a discussion on the optimal method for entering leg locks in grappling, with a preference for the outside leg position due to its balance of attack opportunities and minimized risk. The presenter demonstrates a specific entry technique, highlighting the critical roles of foot placement and grip in establishing control. Utilizing the outside leg position not only hampers the opponent's ability to secure a favorable position but also increases the frequency of attack opportunities. 

Recovering Guard

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Turtle Recovering Guard

Title: Recovering from the Turtle

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, mastering the art of escaping from back and side control is crucial. To prevent your opponent from gaining the upper hand, focus on not allowing them to connect their hands, a key strategy that can significantly impact your ability to control the situation. When escaping back control, employ techniques such as blocking the opponent's arms, lifting your hips, and swinging your legs. Additionally, when transitioning from the turtle position, it's vital to prevent the opponent from securing hooks. These methods are not just about escaping; they're about strategically regaining control and positioning, underscoring the importance of movement, positioning, and tactical awareness in BJJ. By adhering to these tips, practitioners can enhance their defensive capabilities and improve their overall game.


Taught By Lachlan Giles

Guard Inverting

Title: Inverted Guard Retention

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: Lachlan highlights the necessity of protecting the head and preventing the opponent from controlling the shoulders. Through step-by-step instructions, the speaker demonstrates how inverting can help recover from disadvantageous positions and prevent the opponent from taking the back. Emphasizing the need for activity to avoid being stacked by the opponent, the speaker advises practicing these techniques with a partner. 


Reverse De La Riva Inverting

Title: Inverting from Reverse De La Riva

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video features a jiu-jitsu tutorial focusing on the technique of spinning underneath an opponent to transition to their back. The speaker underscores the critical aspects of timing, positioning, and controlling the opponent's movements to execute this maneuver successfully. Emphasis is placed on maintaining proper leverage and the necessity for quick reactions to counter potential defenses. The tutorial also explores risks associated with the technique, offering alternative methods for achieving the back transition. Key points include the importance of precise positioning, leveraging for control, and adapting to the opponent's counters. The speaker provides a thorough analysis of the movement, ensuring viewers understand both the fundamental and nuanced aspects of this jiu-jitsu technique.

Taking the Mount

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Full Mount Taking the Mount

Title: Take mount like Khabib

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video showcases a grappling technique inspired by Khabib Nurmagomedov, focusing on upper body control and leg pinching with a triangle lock to immobilize the opponent. It emphasizes positioning the lock above the knee and applying hip pressure, along with countering frames and underhooks to maintain control. The technique aims to limit the opponent's mobility and secure a dominant position through strategic body positioning and pressure.

Taking the Back

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Closed Guard Taking the Back

Title: Closed guard to the back

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video demonstrates techniques from the closed guard arm across position in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, focusing on executing an arm bar, taking the opponent's back, and performing the flower sweep. Emphasizing the need to keep the opponent's arm across and prevent posturing up, it covers controlling the wrist and elbow, breaking posture, and maintaining tightness for transitions. Strategies include using chest pressure to release the opponent's grip. The instructor advises regular practice of these techniques to enhance proficiency in attacks from this position.


Turtle Taking the Back

Title: Taking the Back from Turtle

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: Key strategies include the use of hooks to control the opponent's movements, off-balancing techniques to gain positional advantage, and counter-moves to address attempts by the opponent to roll away. Detailed instructions cover the application of hooks, grips, and precise body positioning to secure control. The speaker highlights the necessity of maintaining both control and stability during the process, underscoring that success in taking the opponent's back relies heavily on technique, strategic positioning, and the ability to anticipate and counter the opponent's movements, ensuring dominance and control in the engagement.

Heel Hooks

Taught By Lachlan Giles

50/50 Heel Hooks

Title: Heel hook from 50/50

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: How to heel hook from 50/50.


Leg Entanglement Heel Hooks

Title: Outside Heel Hook Mechanics

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video explores the biomechanics behind the heel hook, emphasizing the role of internal rotation at the ankle, knee, and hip in its execution. It discusses how knee positioning affects hip rotation and the implications for applying the heel hook effectively. Additionally, the video examines the outside heel hook's strategic pros and cons, including potential opponent counters. Aimed at advanced practitioners, it recommends prior study of heel hooks and leg locking positions for a comprehensive understanding of these techniques.


Title: Inside Heel Hook: Setup and Safety

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video focuses on the inside heel hook, a grappling technique known for its effectiveness and potential for causing injury. The speaker underscores the necessity of controlling the opponent's leg prior to executing the heel hook and demonstrates the correct method for applying this submission. Highlighting the significant injury risk associated with the heel hook compared to other grappling moves, the speaker calls for proper training and caution in its use, especially in competitive settings. The recommendation to use one arm for the heel hook's application is made to enhance safety, and the importance of caution and care by both the practitioner and the opponent is emphasized. The video serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the inside heel hook, detailing its risks and the correct approach to its application.


Title: Why heel hooks are a dangerous submission

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The speaker delves into the critical timing of tapping out to prevent injury, contrasting the heel hook with other submissions where the moment to tap out precedes the actual injury. The heel hook is highlighted as especially hazardous because the injury often occurs simultaneously with the tap-out moment. Emphasizing the necessity of recognizing when one is caught in a submission and tapping out timely to avoid injury, the speaker references a video showcasing an injury from a delayed tap-out to a heel hook. This discussion serves as a cautionary tale on the risks of specific submission holds and underscores the importance of understanding when to tap out to prevent injury.

Knee Bars

Taught By Lachlan Giles

Leg Entanglement Knee Bars

Title: Kneebars from Back-step and 50/50

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: The video features a detailed explanation of the back step technique in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, including its execution and how to prevent the opponent from rotating to escape. The speaker also introduces a variation of the move, the knee bar, offering step-by-step instructions on performing it effectively. Key points include the necessity of controlling the opponent's legs to inhibit their defense mechanisms and tips on applying pressure to successfully complete the submission. The emphasis throughout the video is on the significance of precision in technique and control for successfully executing these moves.


Taught By Lachlan Giles

Turtle Attacking

Title: Attacking turtle when you cant get the seatbelt

Teacher: Lachlan Giles

Summary: In this video, Lachlan Giles delves into the nuances of executing a rolling back take in jiu-jitsu, stressing the critical importance of maintaining a strong grip and connection to the opponent's back throughout the maneuver. He identifies a common error practitioners make—grabbing the far leg during the roll, which often leads to losing connection with the opponent's back. Giles recommends maintaining the trap grip and rolling over the shoulder to keep the underhook and secure the back position effectively. He further advises rolling away from the opponent to sustain control and prevent their escape. Giles' guidance focuses on the subtleties of grip placement, the significance of maintaining close contact with the opponent's back, and the strategic direction of the roll to ensure control and dominance in the back take scenario.

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