How Long to Get First Stripe in BJJ?

Mapping the Milestone

Embarking on the journey of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is both exhilarating and daunting. One of the first milestones that beginners look forward to is earning their first stripe. But how long does it typically take to get that coveted first stripe on your white belt? Let's delve into the factors that contribute to this initial achievement.

Understanding the Stripe System

Before jumping into timelines, it's essential to understand what the stripe system represents in BJJ. Stripes are smaller recognitions of progress within each belt level. Earning a stripe indicates growth and mastery over certain fundamental techniques and principles.

Earning the first BJJ stripe typically takes 3-6 months with regular training. Factors include gym philosophy, prior experience, and personal commitment. It's a minor but important milestone.

The General Timeframe

Average Duration

For a diligent student attending class 2-3 times per week, the first stripe can usually be attained within 3 to 6 months.


However, there's a wide variability depending on the gym's grading system, the individual's previous martial arts experience, and the intensity of training.

Factors That Influence Time to First Stripe

Your Gym's Philosophy

Some gyms are more stringent about promotions, while others might offer the first stripe earlier as a form of encouragement.

Previous Experience

People with a background in other grappling arts like wrestling or judo may find that they progress more quickly.

Personal Commitment

The more you invest in practice, attend classes, and participate in rolling sessions, the quicker you'll likely earn your first stripe.

Tips to Speed Up the Journey

Does the First Stripe Really Matter?

In the grand scheme of things, the first stripe is a minor but important milestone. It represents not just technical accumulation but also commitment, discipline, and the beginnings of an understanding of the BJJ journey.


While the timeframe for earning your first stripe in BJJ varies, with dedication and the right approach, it's an achievable milestone in the early stages of your BJJ journey. More than just a piece of tape on your belt, it signifies a deeper understanding and respect for this multifaceted martial art.

Frequently Asked Questions: How Long to Get First Stripe in BJJ

Basic Understanding

Q: How long to get the first stripe in BJJ?
A: The time it takes to earn your first stripe varies depending on several factors like the frequency of your training, your performance, and your gym's specific promotion criteria. On average, it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 months.

Training Frequency

Q: Does the number of times I train per week impact how quickly I get my first stripe?
A: Absolutely. The more frequently you train, the faster you are likely to improve and meet the criteria for your first stripe.

Criteria for First Stripe

Q: What are the usual criteria for getting the first stripe?
A: Criteria can differ between gyms but generally include basic understanding of positions, ability to defend yourself, and mastery of a few basic techniques.

Coach’s Discretion

Q: Is the awarding of the first stripe entirely up to the coach?
A: Mostly, yes. Your coach will assess your skill level, attendance, and overall improvement to decide if you're ready for your first stripe.

Skill vs Time Spent

Q: Is the first stripe based more on skill level or time spent training?
A: It's usually a combination of both, though skill level often weighs more heavily. Some schools have minimum attendance requirements, but you'll also need to demonstrate a basic competency in techniques and understanding of BJJ principles.

Age and Physical Ability

Q: Do age and physical ability affect how quickly I can get my first stripe?
A: While age and physical ability can have an impact on how quickly you learn, most gyms focus on your understanding of basic BJJ techniques and principles when awarding the first stripe.

Importance of First Stripe

Q: How important is it to get the first stripe?
A: The first stripe is a milestone that shows you've gained a basic understanding of BJJ and that you're making progress. While it’s a small step in a long journey, it's an important one that usually boosts confidence and motivation.