Can a Purple Belt Promote in BJJ?

In the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the hierarchical structure of belts serves as a cornerstone for skill level, experience, and overall competency. However, what about the ability to promote others? We often think of black belts as the all-encompassing authorities, capable of conferring belts onto lower ranks. But where does the purple belt fit into this scenario? Can a purple belt actually promote other students?

The Official Stance, No

According to the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), the authority governing most recognized BJJ tournaments, only black belts and higher are officially authorized to promote adult students to colored belts.

IBJJF rules state only black belts can promote adults. Some schools allow purple belts to promote lower ranks or kids under specific conditions. Purple belts often mentor lower ranks.

Exceptions to the Rule

While the IBJJF has its guidelines, the art of BJJ has always been somewhat decentralized. Some schools, particularly those in remote locations or lacking a black belt instructor, may allow purple belts to promote students to certain lower belts like white and blue under specific circumstances. Such promotions are generally accepted within that specific school or community, but might not be recognized universally.

What About Kids?

When it comes to junior belts (white, grey, yellow, orange, and green), a purple belt instructor has more leeway. Many schools allow purple belts to promote children through these ranks, especially if the higher-ranking black belt has personally authorized them to do so.

Mentorship Role

While they may not have the broad authority to promote adult students, purple belts often serve a critical role in mentoring lower-ranked practitioners. They can identify strengths and weaknesses, helping blue and white belts refine their techniques and better prepare for official promotions conducted by higher-ranked instructors.

The Spirit of BJJ

One of the beautiful things about BJJ is the collective journey towards mastery. While a purple belt might not have the official authority to promote others in all cases, their experience and knowledge are invaluable for those walking the path behind them. Promotion is not just about the color of a piece of cloth; it's about the growth, mentorship, and community fostered along the way.


The question of whether a purple belt can promote other students in BJJ largely depends on the setting, the oversight from higher belts, and the specific ranks involved. While they may not hold the formal authority to promote adult practitioners universally, their role in shaping the skills and experiences of lower-ranked students is indisputable. Like many aspects in BJJ, the answer is nuanced and deeply rooted in the philosophy and community of this captivating martial art.

Frequently Asked Questions: Can a Purple Belt Promote in BJJ?

General Promotion Guidelines

Q: Can a purple belt promote someone in BJJ?

A: In most BJJ academies, the authority to promote students to belt ranks is usually reserved for black belts. However, the specific rules can vary depending on the academy and its affiliations.

Promoting Lower Belts

Q: Can purple belts promote to any specific belt levels?

A: Some academies allow purple belts to promote students up to blue belt or even other lower belts like white, but this is often under the guidance or approval of a higher-ranking instructor.

Affiliations and Associations

Q: Do affiliations affect a purple belt's ability to promote?

A: Yes, your academy's affiliation often dictates who can and cannot promote. In some organizations, only black belts can give promotions, whereas in others, there might be some leniency.

Remote Locations

Q: What if I train in a remote location without a black belt, can a purple belt promote then?

A: In remote locations where there is no access to a black belt instructor, some organizations allow purple belts to award lower-ranking belts under special circumstances and with approval from a higher-ranking affiliate.

IBJJF Guidelines

Q: What does the IBJJF say about purple belts promoting students?

A: According to most interpretations of IBJJF guidelines, a purple belt is generally not authorized to promote students to a higher belt rank. Promotions are usually performed by black belts with specific degrees, depending on the rank being awarded.

Role of a Purple Belt

Q: What responsibilities does a purple belt have if not promoting?

A: Even if not officially promoting students, a purple belt often takes on leadership roles in the gym, such as leading classes and helping lower-ranking students improve their techniques.

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