Single Weave BJJ Gi

The Lightweight Champion of the Mats

In the multifaceted realm of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Gis, the Single Weave Gi stands out as a favored choice for many practitioners. Why, you ask? Because it perfectly combines comfort, affordability, and adaptability. Dive in with us as we unravel the intricacies of the Single Weave BJJ Gi and discover why it might just be the next essential addition to your martial arts wardrobe.

The Weave Defined

First, let’s demystify what "single weave" actually means. In the world of textiles, a weave refers to the method used to interlace two sets of threads at right angles to create a fabric. The single weave in BJJ Gi is characterized by its simple over-and-under pattern. This basic weave results in a Gi that is lighter in weight compared to its double or gold weave counterparts.

Benefits of the Single Weave Gi

Lightweight and Breathable

The most evident advantage of the Single Weave Gi is its lightweight nature. This makes it an excellent choice for intense sparring sessions, especially in warmer climates where heavier Gis can become a sweaty burden.


Typically, Single Weave Gis are more affordable than their more densely woven counterparts. This makes them a great choice for beginners who might not want to invest heavily right off the bat.

Faster Drying Time

Due to its thinner fabric, the Single Weave Gi dries significantly faster than other Gis, a real bonus for those without the luxury of time or multiple Gis at their disposal.

Points to Ponder

While the Single Weave Gi offers numerous advantages, it’s worth noting a few considerations:


Given its lightweight nature, it may not be as durable as the double weave or gold weave Gis. However, with proper care, it can still serve you well for a long time.


Single Weave Gis have a slight tendency to stretch out during rigorous sessions. This isn’t a major concern but is something to be mindful of when considering fit and size.

Is the Single Weave Gi Right for You?

The Single Weave Gi is perfect for those who prioritize comfort and breathability, especially in warmer environments. It's also a fantastic choice for BJJ newcomers or those on a budget. However, for those seeking a Gi primarily for its longevity, other weaves might be more suitable.


The Single Weave BJJ Gi offers a blend of comfort and practicality that appeals to a wide range of practitioners. Whether you're just starting out in BJJ, seeking a more breathable Gi, or simply need an affordable backup for your regular training sessions, the Single Weave could be an excellent choice. Remember, the Gi is an extension of the martial artist; choose one that complements your style, needs, and journey on the mats.

Frequently Asked Questions: "Single Weave BJJ Gi"

Basic Information

Q: What is a single weave BJJ gi?
A: A single weave BJJ gi is a type of jiu jitsu uniform that is made using a specific weave pattern, which is lighter and thinner compared to other weave types.

Weave and Material

Q: How does a single weave differ from other weave types in BJJ gis?
A: Single weave gis are generally lighter and less dense than double or gold weaves. This can make them cooler and more breathable, but potentially less durable.

Q: Why would someone choose a single weave BJJ gi?
A: Due to its lighter nature, a single weave gi is often preferred in hotter climates or for training sessions where the practitioner wants a less heavy and less restrictive gi.

Durability and Longevity

Q: How durable is a single weave BJJ gi compared to other gis?
A: While single weave gis are durable enough for regular training, they might wear out faster than thicker weaves like double or gold weaves, especially with intense grappling and frequent washing.

Purchasing and Care

Q: Where can I purchase a quality single weave BJJ gi?
A: Many martial arts suppliers and specialized online retailers offer a variety of single weave BJJ gis. It's essential to read reviews and maybe even test a few brands to find one that suits your needs.

Q: How should I care for my single weave BJJ gi to ensure its longevity?
A: Always follow the washing instructions on the gi's label. Typically, cold water washing and air drying are recommended to prevent shrinking and to maintain the gi's integrity.

Training and Competition

Q: Is a single weave BJJ gi suitable for competitions?
A: Yes, single weave gis are allowed in most competitions. However, always check the specific rules of the tournament as some may have restrictions based on gi thickness or weight.

Q: How does the single weave gi affect mobility during training?
A: Given its lighter nature, many practitioners find that they have increased mobility and less restriction when training in a single weave gi.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to using a single weave BJJ gi?
A: The main disadvantage might be its potential for reduced durability compared to thicker weaves. Additionally, because it's thinner, it might be easier for opponents to grip.