Washing Your BJJ Gi

The Essential Guide to Keeping it Fresh and Long-Lasting

Every jiu-jitsu practitioner knows the importance of their gi. It’s the armor we wear into battle, the cloth that absorbs our sweat, effort, and occasionally our tears. Yet, while we give so much attention to our techniques and drills, sometimes the care of our gi gets sidelined. Let's dive into the crucial art of washing your BJJ gi, ensuring it remains as sharp and resilient as your skills.

1. Understand the Gi’s Importance

Your gi isn’t just another piece of clothing. It’s a reflection of your commitment to the art. A well-maintained gi not only respects your training partners (no one likes a stinky gi) but also represents your dedication to the discipline.

2. Wash After Every Session

It might seem excessive, especially after a light training day, but it’s non-negotiable. Sweat, body oils, and the close-contact nature of BJJ make gis a breeding ground for bacteria and odors.

3. Cold Water is Your Friend

Always wash your gi in cold water. This prevents shrinking and helps maintain the fabric strength. Hot water, on the other hand, can deteriorate the fabric faster and fade its color.

4. Gentle Detergents Over Harsh Chemicals

Avoid bleach or harsh detergents. While they might make your gi look sparkling white, they can damage the fabric. Opt for gentle, eco-friendly detergents. For white gis, adding a bit of distilled white vinegar to the wash can help in maintaining brightness.

5. Say No to the Dryer

The high heat from dryers is notorious for shrinking gis. Instead, hang your gi to air dry. However, keep it away from direct sunlight to prevent color fading. If you're in a hurry, a well-ventilated indoor space works wonders.

6. Dealing with Stubborn Stains

BJJ is a contact sport, and stains happen. If you encounter a tough stain, try spot-cleaning with cold water and mild detergent before throwing it in the wash. Persistent stains might benefit from a gentle rub with a soft-bristled brush.

7. Fragrance and Fabric Softeners

While it might be tempting to have your gi smelling like a bouquet of roses, some fragrances and softeners can irritate the skin, especially during the intense physical activity of BJJ. It's always a safer bet to go fragrance-free.

8. Folding and Storage

Once your gi is dry, fold it neatly. Store it in a cool, dry place, ensuring it’s not crumpled or under heavy objects. This helps retain its shape and extends its lifespan.

In Conclusion

Your gi is a symbol of your jiu-jitsu journey. Every fray, every faded patch has a story behind it. By ensuring you wash and care for it properly, you're ensuring those stories last longer and can be told time and again. So, the next time you toss your gi into the laundry, remember: it's not just about cleaning, it's about preserving memories and respecting the gentle art.

Frequently Asked Questions: "Washing BJJ Gi"

Basic Washing Guidelines

Q: Why is washing a bjj gi after every session crucial?

A: Washing a gi after every training session helps in removing sweat, bacteria, and contaminants, ensuring the gi remains fresh, hygienic, and lasts longer.

Q: Can I find specific jiu jitsu gi washing instructions on the label?

A: Yes, most manufacturers provide washing instructions on the garment's label. Always refer to these guidelines to ensure you maintain the gi's quality and color.

Q: What's the recommended way of washing a jiu jitsu gi?

A: Typically, you should wash the gi in cold water, inside out, and without harsh detergents or fabric softeners to maintain its integrity.

Belt Washing

Q: Should I wash bjj belt along with the gi?

A: While there's debate within the BJJ community about this, washing your bjj belt can help keep it clean and free from bacteria. Just ensure you follow any specific care instructions.

Q: Are there any special considerations for bjj wash belt?

A: Yes, to prevent the belt's color from fading or bleeding onto other items, it's advisable to wash it separately, especially when it's new.

Drying the Gi

Q: Can I put my bjj gi dryer after washing?

A: It's generally recommended to air dry your gi to prevent shrinking and maintain its durability. If you must use a dryer, use the lowest heat setting and monitor closely.

Q: How can I prevent my gi from shrinking during drying?

A: Always air dry your gi and avoid using a tumble dryer. If you need to use a dryer, choose a low heat setting and check the gi frequently.

Q: Are there any specific bjj gi washing instructions I should know about?

A: While general washing guidelines apply, always refer to the manufacturer's specific instructions. Washing in cold water, avoiding bleach, and air drying are common recommendations.

Other Concerns

Q: How can I handle stubborn stains on my gi?

A: Pre-treat stains before washing. If the stain persists, consult the manufacturer's guidelines or consider using a gentle, color-safe stain remover.

Q: How can I keep my gi smelling fresh?

A: Washing it immediately after every session is crucial. If the gi still has a persistent odor, occasionally soaking it in a water-vinegar mix before washing can be effective.

Q: What should I avoid when washing gi bjj?

A: Avoid using bleach, harsh detergents, and fabric softeners. Also, refrain from washing in hot water or drying on high heat to prevent shrinking and fabric damage.